About » Mission & Vision

Mission & Vision

Mission Statement
Wilbur Charter for Enriched Academics seeks to create a challenging learning environment that encourages high expectations for success through developmentally appropriate instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles. We believe learning is a collaborative effort based on utilizing our resources effectively. Learning is maximized when it takes place in an environment enriched with support, encouragement and assistance of staff, parents and community. We are committed to providing a broad base of learning experiences that will assist our students in achieving their greatest potential while adapting and adjusting to a diverse and ever-changing society. We are committed to nurturing high self-esteem and respect for others. We believe that everyone can learn to become critical thinkers and independent, lifelong learners. We also strive to utilize Common Core State Standards to maximize student achievement.
Vision Statement
The vision of Wilbur Charter for Enriched Academics is to provide an engaging, innovative instructional program which challenges all students to become confident 21st century learners. We wish to accomplish the following:
  • Maximize student success, based on Common Core State Standards and additional assessment techniques (performance and District interim assessments, Smarter Balance assessments, differentiated assignments, and student portfolios).
  • Expand multiple modality learning opportunities for all students, with an emphasis on enriched learning experiences, differentiated for subgroups (children identified below grade level, Gifted and Talented, Special Needs, and English Language Learners).
  • Promote the use of assessment data to plan innovative instruction using progressive teaching methods, and to create a highly qualified staff through targeted professional development.
  • Actively encourage the Tarzana community to participate in opportunities that shape the dynamic learning environment at Wilbur CEA.
  • Communicate and articulate with neighboring middle and high schools, especially through our Taft Instructional Cabinet. Wilbur CEA will continue to build the foundation for an outstanding public education for all its students.